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Here in Massachusetts, we are proud of the great work that our teachers, administrators, school committees, and superintendents do on a daily basis. We are proud of them because they are recognized as some of the best in the world. This is due to primarily one reason, high standards.

The standards that made us great were developed in the 90's. They served as a model for not only other states, but also other countries and have been abandoned. The inferior Common Core standards that are replacing them do not improve our student's learning, as a matter of fact, it is the lowering of the standards that has compelled us to fight this.  


The lowering standards are only the beginning. The cost to the state is expected to be over $275 million. This is on top of all of the money spent during the education reform of the 90's-2000's. More money for lower standards? That does not make sense for Massachusetts. Please sign up to receive our newsletter, and we will keep you up to date with any actions or meetings that can help fight Common Core.


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